

The Micromouse Maze Simulator acts as a server, which means any client can connect to it and communicate with it using message passing.

Using message passing for communication means you can use any programming language to implement the client, as long as you correctly implement the communication protocol.

Communication is implemented using ØMQ, which is available for almost every programming language and implements multiplatform inter-process communication in a much more convenient way than raw TCP sockets.

To see which interface/port the server binds to by default:

mmsim --help

Note, however, that you can specify your preferred interface/port when launching the server:

mmsim --host --port 1234

The server binds a single REP socket, which means the client is expected to communicate with the server sending requests, and the server will always send a reply back. This is important, as you must remember to receive and process that reply from the client. ØMQ forces the request-reply communication pattern to be correct and complete.

Implementing a basic client

To better understand how this works, we will start by implementing a very simple client in Python, to make sure the connection is well established:

import zmq

ctx = zmq.Context()
req = ctx.socket(zmq.REQ)


reply = req.recv()

This simple client will send a ping request to the server and the server will reply back with a pong message.


If you start the client before the server, it will wait for the server to be available.

In C it would look like this:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <zmq.h>

int main (void)
    char buffer[4];
    void *context = zmq_ctx_new();
    void *requester = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_REQ);

    zmq_connect(requester, "tcp://");
    zmq_send(requester, "ping", 4, 0);
    zmq_recv(requester, buffer, 4, 0);
    printf("%s\n", buffer);

    return 0;

Which can be compiled with:

gcc client.c -o client -lzmq

And should result in the same pong reply being printed when executed.


We have already seen part of the protocol implemented. In this section we will describe each of the requests the client can send to the server.


When the client sends 4 bytes with the word ping to the server, the server replies back with the word pong (another 4 bytes).

This request is for testing purposes only, but should be useful if you are starting to implement a client from zero.


When the client sends 5 bytes with the word reset the server will reset the simulation, which means that any information related to the last or current simulation will be deleted.

This request is useful to be executed always when starting the client, to make sure the server starts with a client state too.

The server always replies back with an ok.

Here is a simple reset example implemented in Python, which is almost the same as with the ping request:

import zmq

ctx = zmq.Context()
req = ctx.socket(zmq.REQ)


reply = req.recv()

Reading walls

The client can read walls at the current position. In order to do so, it must send the current position to the server:


The request is formed with 4 bytes:

  1. W: is the W byte character, idicating a request to read walls at the current position.
  2. x-position: is a byte number indicating the x-position of the mouse.
  3. y-position: is a byte number indicating the y-position of the mouse.
  4. orientation: a byte character, indicating the mouse orientation (N for North, E for East, S for South and W for West). Indicates where the mouse is heading to.

Positions are defined considering:

  • Starting cell (x=0, y=0) is at the South-West.
  • When going from West to East, the x-position increments.
  • When going from South to North, the y-position increments.

The server replies with 3 bytes indicating the walls around the mouse.

  1. First byte (boolean byte) indicates whether there is a wall to the left.
  2. Second byte (boolean byte) indicates whether there is a wall to the front.
  3. Third byte (boolean byte) indicates whether there is a wall to the right.

Here is an example in Python to read walls just after exiting the starting cell, when we are at (x=0, y=1) position and heading north:

import struct
import zmq

ctx = zmq.Context()
req = ctx.socket(zmq.REQ)

req.send(b'W' + struct.pack('2B', 0, 1) + b'N')

left, front, right = struct.unpack('3B', req.recv())
print(left, front, right)

Sending exploration state

This is probably the most important and complex request. It basically sends the current state of the client including the mouse current position, the discovered walls so far and all the weights assigned to each cell in the maze.

The request looks like this:

  1. S: is the S byte character, idicating we are sharing the state.
  2. x-position: is a byte number indicating the x-position of the mouse.
  3. y-position: is a byte number indicating the y-position of the mouse.
  4. orientation: a byte character, indicating the mouse orientation (N for North, E for East, S for South and W for West). Indicates where the mouse is heading to.
  5. C: a byte character indicating how the cell numbers matrix is being transmitted. C means C-style. If that does not work well for you, try F, for Fortran-style.
  6. numbers: a byte array of 256 bytes. Each byte represents a number.
  7. C: a byte character indicating how the walls matrix is being transmitted. C means C-style. If that does not work well for you, try F, for Fortran-style.
  8. walls: a byte array of 256 bytes. Each byte represents a number.

Walls are defined with a bitmask:

  • 20: less significant bit. Set it to 1 to mark the cell as visited.
  • 21: Set it to 1 to specify East wall is present.
  • 22: Set it to 1 to specify South wall is present.
  • 23: Set it to 1 to specify West wall is present.
  • 24: Set it to 1 to specify North wall is present.


The simulation server will store every state received until a reset occurs. This allows you to execute the full simulation as fast as possible and then navigate through the state history using the graphical interface.

Here is an example in Python to send a state with fake walls and cell numbers. We set the same wall and an increasing number for all cells:

import struct
import zmq

ctx = zmq.Context()
req = ctx.socket(zmq.REQ)


numbers = list(range(256))
walls = [2] * 256

state = b'S' + struct.pack('2B', 0, 1) + b'N'
state += b'C'
state += struct.pack('256B', *numbers)
state += b'C'
state += struct.pack('256B', *walls)


reply = req.recv()

Now try and play a bit with that script:

  • Change the mouse position and orientation.
  • Change the walls sent.
  • Change the numbers sent.
  • Change C and F in the numbers sent to understand the differences.
  • Remove the reset and see how the state history increases and how you can navigate through it.

A real, complete micromouse client

A real, complete micromouse client implemented in C can be found in the Bulebule micromouse project.

To try that client you need to first clone the repository:

git clone

Then change to the scripts/ directory and compile the client:

cd bulebule/scripts/


You need to have ZMQ libraries installed in your system in order to compile the project.

Now simply run the client while the Micromouse Maze Simulator is running!